Introduction to Computer Architecture

College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, Fall 2018
Monday 08:00 - 11:25/12:15, Cao Guangbiao Building West Wing
Room 104 Lecture, Room 301 Lab


Week 01  
Lecture 01: Course Introduction
 | Reference Syllabus by Prof. Xiaohong Jiang
 | Reference Schedule
 | #The 3 Secrets of Highly Successful Graduates by Reid Hoffman
 | #What's Your Dream by LinkedIn
Week 02 
Lecture 02: Computer Design Fundamentals - Basics
Lecture 03: Computer Design Fundamentals - Trends and Performance
 | Reading: Chapter 1
 | #The Meaning of Teaching … A long thank you note
 | #You and Your Research by Richard Hamming
 | #How to Write a Great Research Paper by Simon Peyton Jones
 | #How to Give a Great Research Talk by Simon Peyton Jones
 | #A Radical New Way to Control the English Language by George Gopen
Week 03 
Lecture 04: Instruction Set Principles
 | Reading: Appendix A
 | #Why Get a Ph.D.? by Nick Feamster
 | #3 Qualities of Successful Ph.D. Students by Matt Might
 | #So Long, and Thanks for the Ph.D.! by Ronald Azuma
 | #Applying to Ph.D. Programs in Computer Science by Mor Harchol-Balter
Week 04 
Lecture 05: Pipelining - Basics and Hazards
 | Reading: Appendix C
 | Lab 1 Demo Due
 | Lab 1 Report Due: October 29
 | #The Story of Xiaoyan
 | #Peaceful Warrior
Week 05 
 | Assignment 1 Due
 | #Creating Effective Slides: Design, Construction, and Use in Science
 | #TED's Secret to Great Public Speaking by Chris Anderson
Week 06 
Lecture 06: Pipelining - Implementation
 | Reading: Appendix C
 | #What Matters More than Your Talents? by Jeff Bezos
Week 07 
Lecture 07: Pipelining - Multicycle, MIPS R4000, and More
 | Reading: Appendix C
 | #Want to Be Happier? Stay in The Moment by Matt Killingsworth
 | #Avoid the Comparison Trap and Run Your Own Race by Jeff Goins
Week 08 
Lecture 08: Memory Hierarchy - Cache Performance
 | Reading: Appendix B
 | #Grateful To Be Me
 | #Don't Take Anything In Your Life For Granted
 | #Teach to Learn: A Privilege of Junior Faculty by Kai Bu
Week 09 
Lecture 09: Memory Hierarchy - Virtual Memory
 | Reading: Appendix B
 | Lab 2 Demo Due
 | Lab 2 Report Due: December 03
 | Assignment 2 Due
 | #Q11 Compilation by Us
Week 10  2018.12.03 Lecture 09: Memory Hierarchy - Virtual Memory  | Reading: Appendix B
Week 11 
Lecture 10: Memory Hierarchy - Design
 | Reading: Appendix B
 | #The Ten Suggestions by Ben Bernanke
 | #The Lesson of Grace in Teaching by Francis Su
Week 12 
Lecture 11: Storage Systems - Disk, RAID, Dependability
 | Reading: Appendix D
 | Lab 3 Demo Due
 | Lab 3 Report Due: January 07
 | #Don't Stop Believin'
Week 13 
Lecture 12: Storage Systems - Performance
 | Reading: Appendix D
 | Lab 4 Demo Due
 | Lab 4 Report Due: January 07
 | #Gratitude by Louie Schwartzberg
 | #We Are All Different - and THAT'S AWESOME! by Cole Blakeway
 | #Is Smiling Contagious? by Sue Heck
Week 14
Lecture 13: Multiprocessors
 | Reading: Chapter 5
 | Lab 5 Demo Due
 | Lab 5 Report Due: January 14
 | Assignment 3 Due
 | #How to Study for Exams - Top 6 Steps
 | #How to Make Stress Your Friend by Kelly McGonigal
 | #Before Avatar … a curious boy by James Cameron
Week 15 
Course Review
 | Reading: Chapters 1&5, Appendices A-D
 | #The 3 Secrets of Highly Successful Graduates by Reid Hoffman
 | #Wish You Well
 | #See You