Introduction to Computer Architecture

College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, Fall 2024
Monday 10:00 - 11:35/12:25, Room 101, Building 4
Monday 18:50 - 20:25, Room 301 Lab


1.  Project Proposal by September 23
    Browse the programs of recent ISCA/MICRO/HPCA/ASPLOS/OSDI/SOSP/S&P/SEC conferences in the area of computer architecture;
    Find a research topic you are interested in;
    Read state-of-the-art papers as well as recent related papers in top venues;
    Discover their common limitations and propose a feasible solution;
2.  Report
    What is the research problem?
    Why is it important?
    How does the state of the art address it?
    Any limitations?
    What would you do? Learn from Research Patterns by Prof. Nick Feamster from Princeton.
3.  Prototype
4.  Presentation

Grading: 32%

Report: follow ISCA/MICRO/HPCA/ASPLOS/OSDI/SOSP/S&P/SEC template and organization
check out our first computer architecture paper, the second, the third, and the fourth
6% Prototype
6% Presentation

Great Resources

How to Do Great Research, by Prof. Nick Feamster, Princeton
How to Write a Great Research Paper, by Simon Peyton Jones
How to Give a Great Research Talk, by Simon Peyton Jones