Network Security Theory and Practice

College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, Spring 2019
Monday 15:55 – 17:30, Tuesday 14:05 - 15:40, Room CW-104
Tuesday 15:55 – 17:30, Room CW-503


Kai Bu Email:
Office: Room 503 Zetong Building.     Office hour: by appointment
Thank you for studying Network Security with me.

Course Objective

This course aims to help students understand and practice network attack and defense strategies. As the saying from security research community goes, if you want to secure a system, hack it first. Such a principle drives the development of course content. Each defense strategy is well motivated by example attacks that might take place if it were not enforced. Topics to be covered include cryptography, cryptanalysis, blockchain, secure connection, secure routing and forwarding, anonymous communication, Wi-Fi security, and zero-knowledge proof. An eight-week group project is also required to help students practice these security techniques. Through integrating both theory and practice, students are expected to grasp the essence of network security as well as train their security mindset.


Networking, Security, Programming

Grading (tentative)

10%     Assignment
40% Group Project
05%: Proposal Presentation
05%: Wrapup Presentation
15%: Demo
15%: Report
50% Final Exam: 10:30 - 12:30, April 25, 2019.


Security Engineering, by Ross Anderson, Cambridge
6.857 Computer and Network Security, by Ron Rivest and Yael Kalai, MIT
6.858 Computer Systems Security, by Nickolai Zeldovich, MIT
CS 161 Computer Security, by Raluca Ada Popa, UC Berkeley
Network Security, by Vyas Sekar, CMU